Your websites will collect visitor email addresses through various channels and build marketing lists automatically.
Use professionally designed email templates to schedule and run email marketing campaigns. AI powered senders will ensure the deliverability.
Create sequences to automatically nurture your customer relationships. Our sales intelligence platform will convert your website visitors into customers.
Gain complete insight into your user behavior to improve the performance of your sales and marketing emails.
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What started as an e-commerce platform has now become the most advanced website management system that combines all the digital marketing essentials into one unified platform. Streamlined data management is at core of Cart2Order's system architecture and design.
We launched the first e-commerce website for one of our customers on this platform in the year 2017. Our determination to help our customers grow their online businesses lead to the automation of the most effective marketing strategies on the Internet. We studied and compared every major platform that offers a solution to implement these strategies. But, we could not find a single software product that combined all the desired features into one integrated platform.
At this point we had two choices - integrate with external products or build these features into Cart2Order.
Fortunately, our customers were very supportive of our decision to build all the essential features into Cart2Order versus integrating with external systems.
The system architecture of Cart2Order has been our greatest advantage throughout the course of its development and still continues to help us automate complex tasks in the shortest amount of time. Its highly modular and multi-tier implementation has made it possible to create a system that offers so many different features under one umbrella and yet remain extensible to include new requirements in the future.
We are now helping businesses across the globe in making their website a useful tool in addressing the ongoing challenges of growth and success.